Sunday, February 5, 2012

Designing Firewall, Gateway, and Load Balancer Server for Web Farms with iptables

Hello all,
Today, I am going to show you how we can configure a Firewall, Gateway, and Load Balancer Server for your Web Farm Servers with iptables in Linux (part 1). In part 2, I will explain how to configure a Backup/Log Server in order to send apache log files to this server. This will keep the log files for all web servers in one location behind the firewall in a separate machine. Also, it acts as a backup server to keep a copy of web servers in case of disaster recovery for web servers.
                                                          Figure 1
When a single Web Server machine isn’t enough to handle the traffic on your Web site, it’s time to look into building a Web Farm that uses multiple machines on the network acting as a single server. Also, Web Farms are an obvious choice if you’ve hit the limits of your single machine hardware. Although the process of creating a Web Farm isn’t difficult, administration of two or more servers and keeping them properly synchronized is actually a lot more work than administering a single server. Now, to see the functionality of a Web Server Farm, I am going to demonstrate and configure a Web Server Farm with two separated machine, which is running Apache version 2.2.17, behind a firewall. To demonstrate this scenario, I used four virtual machines all with Fedora 13 operation system. Figure 1 shows the details of this scenario.

First of all, let's configure the firewall/Gateway machine. The Firewall/Gateway machine has two network interfaces. One network interface has an ip address of for internal network and another network interface has an ip address of 192.168.2.X ,which X is a number that my router at home gives this number, to connect to Internet. Our gateway machine has to have the ability to forward the packets. In order to achieve this goal, we should enable IP forwarding on this machine with following command:

   echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward  

You can put this command in /etc/rc.local file. So, when you restart the computer, it loads and runs automatically and it doesn't need to enter this command manually.

Now, the next step is configuring firewall and load balancing. Before configuring firewall, I loaded the default Fedora Server firewall by clicking System->Administration-> Firewall and then Options->Load Default Configuration->Server. Now, in order to balance the loads across the web servers in a round robin fashion, I added these two lines to the PREROUTING table in ip tables.

iptables -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m statistic
 --mode nth --every 2 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT

Let's discuss about these two important lines in iptables. First, because we want to forward the http packets with destination port 80 to web servers, we have to change the destination address for packets to web servers in PREROUTING tables. That's why I added these lines in PREROUTING table. According to man page, statistic module matches packets based on some statistic condition.It supports two distinct modes settable with the --mode option which are nth and random. The random mode is not in our case since we want to know exactly which packet goes to which server. --every n match one packet every nth packet and it works only with the nth mode.

In this case, it matches every 2 packets. --packet p set the initial counter value for the nth mode and because the default value is 0, I didn't mention in the command. Therefore, the first command says match the tcp protocol with destination port 80 that comes from eth0 for every 2 nth packet (even packets) and do DNAT to address of the first web server which is For other packets, just do the regular DNAT to the second web server like the second line (odd packets). So, with these iptables commands, we have a round-robin method. Because the packets are prerouted to web servers, we should accept packets in FORWARD table in firewall server. Also, for returning packets from web servers to firewall server, we should accept packets in FORWARD table as well. So, we should add two more rules to firewall:
iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

                                                    Figure 2

Figure 2 shows the output of iptables-save command on Firewall Server. There is one more rule that I should add to iptables when the packets go out from firewall in POSTROUTING table. 

Iptables -I POSTROUTING -o eth0 -p tcp -j MASQUERADE 

Here is a screen shot from browser that shows the round-robin method works (Figure 3):

                                                           Figure 3

Also, the following picture show my log in Log Server to prove that round-robin method works. I will talk about Log Server and its configuration later in part 2. Notice that I added a log prefix for each web server to distinguish the related log easily.
                                                                     Figure 4

Here is my bash script that I wrote to use wget command to bombard my web servers:

rm -f index.html*

Here is the result of running my script. I just captured last 10 lines:

                                                                  Figure 5

Web Servers
The following steps show how I configured the web servers: 
 1. I added a route to Gateway/Firewall machine with this command: 
        route add default gw
You can add this command to /etc/rc.local file to run it automatically when you restart computer 
 2. To install apache server, I ran this command: yum install httpd  
 3. chkconfig –levels 2345 httpd on To turn on the httpd service in run level 2,3,4, and5 
 4. I created a simple webpage in the following path: /var/www/html/index.html which is the default Document Root for apache server. The following shows the content of “index.html” code and as I said, it is a simple html code just for demonstration:
For web server 1:
[root@f13-ws1 ~]# cat /var/www/html/index.html 

  <title>My Website Number 1</title> 
  <h2>Welcome to my webpage</h2> 

For web server 2:  
[root@f13-ws2 ~]# cat /var/www/html/index.html 
  <title>My Website Number 2</title> 
     <h2>Welcome to my webpage</h2> 
4. service httpd start To start apache server  
5. Next, I added a rule to firewall to accept tcp connection for destination port 80 (http):
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -m state –state NEW -j ACCEPT 
The next two screen shot are the output of iptables-save command in both web servers:
                                                                    Figure 6
                                                                   Figure 7
In part 2, I will discuss and continue with Log/Backup Server and its configuration. 
Khosro Taraghi 


  1. I Need help for configure Load balancing for my WEB Server, I want to distrubute Load because every day now and I think I can gain more than 10000 visitors, I have one elearing Application which is run on IIS & Tomcat, I have domain as per network diagram, www.example .com is running on IIS and running on Tomcat

    Presently it's working on only Single Server but now i want to distribute load as per attached diagram, both Domain are pointed on Firewall & there is some rules to reached traffic to Inside Server,

  2. Why Secure Socket Layer is important for a website?
    load balancing server
